Hello, Thanks for visiting RvKmR.blogspot.in In this blog post, I am explaining about installing Jenkins in the ubunut system. Ubuntu release that I am working on is as below DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=17.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=zesty DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 17.04" I will explain working on Jenkins in another post, for now, we will discuss how to install Jenkins in Ubuntu system. To run Jenkins successfully we need a web server. I am familiar with nginx, so I am going with it. Jenkins by default works on 8080 port. Install Jenkins with below command sudo apt-get install nginx Jenkins is written in Java, so we need Java to be installed on our system. Adding repo to install jdk sudo add-apt-repository ppa : openjdk -r/ ppa sudo apt-get update Install jdk now. sudo apt-get install openjdk -8- jdk Add Jenkins key and update source list to install Jenkins. wget https://jenkins-ci.org/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key sudo apt-key add jenki...